通風機空氣動力性能試驗方法 Test methods of aerodynamic performance for fans

井用潛水泵技術(shù)條件 Specification for submersible pumps for deep well

風機和羅茨鼓風機噪聲測量方法 Methods of noise measurement for fans, blowers compressors and Roots blowers



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通風機空氣動力性能試驗方法 Test methods of aerodynamic performance for fans

井用潛水泵技術(shù)條件 Specification for submersible pumps for deep well

風機和羅茨鼓風機噪聲測量方法 Methods of noise measurement for fans, blowers compressors and Roots blowers

真空技術(shù)術(shù)語 Terminology for vacuum technology

真空技術(shù)系統(tǒng)圖用圖形符號 Vacuum technology--Graphical symbols

水泵流量的測定方法 Methods for measurement of capacity of pump

煉廠、化工及石油化工流程用離心泵通用技術(shù)條件 Centrifugal pumps for refinery, chemical and petrochemical processes--General technical specifications



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